Public Exhibition of the Coolamon Junee Regional Drought Resilience Planning Report

Coolamon Shire Council gives public notice of the exhibition of the Draft Coolamon Junee Regional Drought Resilience Planning Report.

This drought resilience report was to be Regionally focused and required one or more Councils to enter into a consortia to undertake the work. We partnered with Junee Shire Council to undertake the project.

Click Here to view the Draft Coolamon Junee Regional Drought Resilience Planning Report.. A hard copy is available in hard copy at the Coolamon Shire Council Offices and at the Coolamon Shire Library.

Have your say via emailing Council at or by mail to the General Manager, Coolamon Shire Council, PO Box 101, COOLAMON, NSW 2701.

The closing date for submissions is  5pm, Friday the 19th July 2024.

Should you have any questions please contact Colby Farmer of Council’s Development and Environmental Services Section on 6930 1800.

Courtney Armstrong