Be part of the Community Conversation in March 2022

We need EVERYONE to share their ideas

Community Conversations are happening in each of the 6 towns and villages in Coolamon Shire in March 2022 to help develop the new Community Strategic Plan. All local governments in NSW are required to develop a Community Strategic Plan to identify the key issues impacting upon the Shire, and the future aspirations the community has for its towns and villages. Planning for Communities will be supporting the development of the Plan and is keen to hear from everyone about:

  • What you love the most about your community.

  • What your vision or big idea is for your community.

  • What should be the top priorities for your community in the next 10 years.

 You can do this by dropping in for a chat, participating in a community workshop or completing the community survey.

Complete the Community Survey by Monday 4 April 2022

Another way you can be involved in the community conversation is to complete the community survey. You can access the survey online HERE or if you would prefer a hard copy, you can find it in the following places:

  • Coolamon Shire Library/Coolamon Shire Council Office/Coolamon Post Office/Coolamon Newsagency

  • Ganmain Post Office/Café Ganmain/The Lott Newsagency/Logan Hitchens

  • Ardlethan Post Office/Ardlethan Newsagency/Ariah 62

  • Marrar Post Office/Marrar Country Café

  • Beckom Hotel/Beckom BP

  • Matong Primary School

Would you like to know more?

If you would like to know more about the Community Strategic Plan or the Community Conversation, please contact Jacqui Collins: Community Development Officer with Coolamon Shire Council

Ph: 02 69301800Email:

Aileen Crocker