Defibrillators distributed throughout Coolamon Shire

The Coolamon Lions Club has commenced the roll out of AED Defibrillators across the Coolamon Shire. We are pleased to announce that Defibrillators are now installed in the following locations:

  • COOLAMON: Up-To-Date Store, Coolamon Caravan Park

  • Coolamon Foodworks & Royal Tavern.

  • GANMAIN: Ganmain Bakery & Ganmain Hall.

  • ARDLETHAN: Ardlethan Foodworks & (soon to open)

  • Ardlethan Museum.

  • MARRAR: Marrar Hotel & Marrar Café.

  • BECKOM: Beckom Hall.

External signs highlighting the location of each device and which were generously donated by Ricky Hard of Regal Signs, Coolamon have been put in place, near the entry to each location and the Lions Club ask everyone to look out for the signs. (an example of the sign is with the photographs).

The Defibrillators are extremely easy to use and any novice operator will be taken through the operation process by the device. However, if you wish, you can view the attached video which demonstrates the use of the AED.

The Coolamon Lions Club is proud to be leading this important community project. We hope that none of the AED’s ever need to be used, but if they save just one life the project will have been worthwhile.

Cristy Houghton