Draft Community Strategic Plan

Coolamon Shire 2040 is Council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The purpose of the CSP is to create a whole of community vision so that Council, other agencies and the community are working in the same direction. Council’s four-year annual planning and budget then flows from the CSP. The Plan also provides a way for Council to be accountable to the community and the State Government through an annual report on how implementation is progressing and an end-of-term report for the community.

Council resolved at the June 2022 Ordinary Meeting to put the draft plan up for public exhibition.

We want to hear from you. Please direct any feedback or suggestions about Coolamon Shire 2040 to council@coolamon.nsw.gov.au or PO Box 101, COOLAMON NSW 2701

Submissions close Tuesday 9 August 2022

Coolamon Shire 2040

Consultation & Engagement Report

Courtney Armstrong