Message from the Mayor

Many in the community would be aware of the significant increase in traffic on our sealed road network in the Coolamon Shire. Due to the current flooding event impacting the Murrumbidgee River, traffic normally accessing the Newell and Sturt Highways is being detoured through the Coolamon Shire.   This is necessary to maintain the National road system. The current diversion arrangements are likely to remain in place for some time to come which will mean a further degradation of our Shire Roads. 

Our Council Road Crews are working very hard to repair damaged roads as quickly as possible, but the increase in heavy vehicle traffic with the ongoing wet weather makes this task extremely difficult and dangerous. Damage repaired in the morning is often undone by the afternoon.

Coolamon Shire Council is to receive funding from the NSW Government to assist repairs of our road system but while the money is most welcome it is going to take some months to properly repair or replace the road network back to a standard we all enjoy.  

Under normal circumstances Council’s Road Crew’s would be undertaking important work to ready our sealed and unsealed road network for the upcoming harvest season. However the current emergency situation has prevented much meaningful work to be done on the network. This will mean that the expected increase in harvest traffic will be negotiating already damaged roads which will compound the problems 

It is imperative that all road users in the Coolamon Shire adhere to the prevailing conditions. Potholes and road damage can occur without warning with catastrophic consequences so please slow down, observe traffic warning signs and add extra time to safely complete your journey.

I also urge local drivers to be mindful that the heavy vehicle drivers using our road system as a detour are not familiar with the area, so please give these vehicles extra space and consider that while the road ahead might be clear to overtake, an unexpected pothole or damage could appear in front of you so I again stress, please drive to the conditions.

Coolamon Shire Council is conscious of the importance of our road network and will be working hard to repair the damage caused by the current Natural Disaster storm and flooding emergency. Please follow Council’s Facebook page for updates or visit our Website:

David McCann


Coolamon Shire Council  

Aileen Crocker