Natural Disaster Declaration - Coolamon Shire

Council wishes to advise that it’s application for a Natural Disaster Declaration for the Coolamon Shire under the disaster event NSW Flooding from 14 September 2022 onwards was successful.

The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) is a jointly funded program between the Australian Government and state and territory (state) governments, through which the Australian Government provides financial assistance to support state governments with disaster recovery costs. Eligible costs include assistance measures for individuals and families, businesses, primary producers, non-profit organisations and local and state governments.

Various assistance is available to individuals, small businesses, primary producers, non-profit organisations, state agencies and local Councils.

The following fact sheets provides more detailed information and contact details for those seeking assistance.

Fact Sheet: Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

Additional information is also available on the Resilience NSW website

Courtney Armstrong